Part of the shepherd's "tool box" are resources to further equip himself. Thus far in my ministry, I've lost count of the types of questions asked in such areas as OT and NT Introduction, and Textual Criticism.
Below is a link for iTunes for "The Center for the Study of New Testament Manuscripts." This is being led by Dallas professor Dr. Dan Wallace. What is helpful about this are their "bite-size" videos on various topics within the field of T.C.
The topics range from: Pioneer's in T.C.; T.C. Praxis; Various examples of key passages affected by T.C., etc. After listening to them, it has been good to refresh some of these principles but also have, under evidentialist presuppositions, more confidence in the current text that we have.
If you have people in your ministry asking these types of questions, if you feel you are under-qualified to discuss some of the T.C. issues, I whole-heartedly would sit with them to watch these videos with no reservations.
1. Small and simple to refresh thinking
2. Instills further confidence in the written text
3. Simple enough for the layman
1. In two to three areas, Dr. Wallace's T.C. decisions were influenced by his underlying historical critical ideology and Markan primacy.