Monday, April 23, 2012

Summer Reading: Pilgrim's Progress

I am considering having my JH/HS students read Pilgrim's Progress this summer. Any thoughts on this?
Does anybody know of a good version for students to read? Are there good study questions I should use? Thanks.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Why Study Biblical Languages

Horses fascinate my wife. She is mesmerized by their beauty, by their strength, and their graceful gallup. However, I like a different type of horses.....Hobby-Horse :).

We all know that we have some and frequently despise them when we hear others "ranting and raving" about something. One of mine is the "importance of biblical languages" for the pastoral office, expositor's of God's word, scholarship, etc.

Over the years, I have spent numerous hours attempting to gain further insight in grammar and translation. It was something I made a priority in my studies, so much so, that it sometimes impeded my theological development.

I have a few questions for you guys if you wouldn't mind humoring me for a bit.

1. What are reasons seminaries should/shouldn't make "Biblical Languages" a priority.

2. In the heat of ministry, what are problems that you have found within the realm of "biblical languages."

3. How are the biblical languages apart of your current life?

4. What resources would currently help you in your local church ministry to maintain language studies? Or is that not a focus?

5. If you had a disciplee desiring ministry and you began to train him in Biblical languages, not necessarily methodology, but how would you cultivate the necessity of Biblical Languages?

6. What are some good articles, quotes, statements, etc. you have found on the "why's" of knowing the biblical languages.

Some resources:

John Piper, "Brothers, Bitzer was a Banker," in Brothers, We are not Professionals.

Martin Luther stated the following: "Let us be sure of this: we will not long preserve the gospel without the languages. The languages are the sheath in which this sword of the Spirit [Eph. 6:17] is contained; they are the casket in which this jewel is enshrined; they are the vessel in which this wine is held; they are the larder in which this food is stored. . . . If through our neglect we let the languages go (which God forbid!), we shall . . . lose the gospel." (From

John Piper, Legacy of Sovereign Joy.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Random Resources

I tend to come upon a lot of different free resources or articles/ideas on the internet. I want to pass those on to you men in case you don't follow the same people I do or read the same blogs I do. Here are some resources for you to check into:

Man Up Message- Byron Yawn preaches at a men's breakfast regarding his book, "What Every Man Wishes His Father had Told Him." Good message.

Youth Group Game- The Moooo Game. Kind of like a prank game. Sounds fun.

Free ebooks/Kindle deals- 

Porn Free Church-

Commentary on Revelation, Robert H. Gundry- (note: I know nothing about him. Does anybody?)

Rid of My Disgrace: Hope and Healing for Victims of Sexual Assault-

 Jeremy Lin: Faith, Joy, and Basketball [Kindle Edition]- 
