Sunday, March 6, 2011

Is Youth Ministry Necessary?????

Not wanting nor desiring to fully undo youth ministry, but how does youth ministry meet a biblical model of "Church" and discipleship!

In a perfect world and a perfect church, is youth ministry needed? If the godly father leads and disciples his family and children, and if the elderly of the church disciples young men in a biblical manner, is a youth minister needed? Youth ministers are no substitute for a godly father or the replacement of an older man training those that are younger.

Another issue within youth ministry is the complete autonomy and segregation from the body. It, at times, removes the multi-generational element of body life.

Therefore, what are biblical principles in support of Youth ministry, Youth Pastor, and philosophy of Youth ministry?

Other comments and thoughts welcome as well!


  1. Does the stereotypical youth pastor tell us anything:

  2. Well, my intention with this post was to hear your thoughts on the tension of Youth ministry and its biblical function within the church. Only assuming now, you read this with the reaction, "Oh'll learn some day."

    Youth ministry is a dysfunctional element of church body life. Kids are dropped off by parents and unconsciously saying, "Disciple my kid, because I don't want to nor have the time to." It is different if there are kids who don't have parents or their parents are unbelievers.

    My proposal: Let Youth Ministry become Family integrated ministry. There are four main passages (open to seeing more) that discuss child and youth discipleship (Deut 6.4ff.; Eph. 6.1-4; Col 3.20-21; Titus 2.2ff.). These 4 passages are in the confines of the family; more specifically, patriarchal discipleship. Therefore, a youth minister has the tension of usurping the parental discipleship.

    A 2nd, but close related, issue: Is the church following too closely the pattern of the World in have age segregated ministries. The philosophical development of our School system arose from the desire to control thinking upon society, remove parental teaching, and change societal morals.

    Upon these two things, what are ways to make the Youth ministry of the church more family integrated? My proposal is: Sunday morning segregation of the youth should invite parents to sit in and partake in the worship with their child. Therefore, the Youth pastor turns into a Family Ministries Pastor (only in this scenario). Consequently, there is biblical training for the parents and provides a means of discussion for them to disciple their child with. Moreover, if small groups are necessary, have church leadership (deacons or elders) to lead small groups with the adults and have adult youth leaders lead with the youth.

    In this manner there is a close association between Pastoral leadership and discipleship but it maintains the family integration the scriptures presents.


  3. Shawn,

    This post and your post before it are very stimulating. These are some important ministry items that we must consider. You reading some Voddie Baucham or something?

    You might want to check out one of the breakout sessions of Shepherds' this year where Austin Duncan provided a critique of the "Family Integration" Ministry Philosophy. My senior pastor attended it (as did Voddie Baucham!)and thought it was fair. I look forward to listening to this.

    I look forward to exploring this issue more, and by God's grace "keeping it according to His Word."
