Thursday, January 31, 2013

Numbers and Summers

We are all aware that when summer comes attendance drops. Some ministries are so poorly attended that we cancel them for June, July, and August. Other ministries we combine or morph into something easier to manage with less staff. In Michigan this is exasperated because the culture "takes the summer off" literally. People stop attending church activities because they have so many other recreational activities going. They have been cooped up inside all winter and summer is the time to get out and play.

Talking to Mike Worrell, our lay pastor over Discovery (the Wednesday night children's ministry) had some thought provoking questions about ministry in the summer. I wanted to bring you guys into the conversation.

PAUL: Mike, I saw that you have some tentative dates to keep Discovery going through June. We saw what happens last year.  I just don't want your staff to become discouraged and/or stop coming because there are no kids. If things end by fizzling out then the leaders will come in the next semester with a defeated sense about the ministry. Discouraged staff = Downfall in Ministry.

MIKE: In regards to when we end. This is hard for me. In all honesty - why do we stop at all in the summer? I'm not married to the idea of keeping Discovery going until June (the end of the school year), but to me it makes logical sense. We are self defeating when we automatically say "no one ever comes, so let's just not have it". I totally understand what you are saying about discouraged staff. That could be happening already because of the low numbers. It's not about numbers. It's about sharing the Gospel with those that God chooses to be at Discovery (insert any other ministry here). How many kids need to show up for Discovery to be worthwhile? How do we (I) shepherd my staff through something like this? On the other hand - we should do what makes sense. What would you do? I am totally fine with ending whenever you would suggest.

I know, I know, you all want Mike to serve at your church, but he's not for sale. :-)

Please give me your thoughts about these questions:
Do you keep a ministry going through the summer that doesn't have enough participation to support it?
Do you fight against the culture hoping to change it?
Do you contextualize and minister to people when they are available?

What do you do at your church?

Mike also launched and administers - great website, check it out, contribute something.


  1. We are going through a period of low attendance right now in Awana. It has caused Bobby and I to think about this a little bit.

    Getting real practical: What about continuing the Discovery ministry throughout the summer (maybe take 1 month off though) and rotate your staff? That way you don't have a disproportionate ratio of staff to children. Just a thought.

  2. I hear you Paul. This is a tough challenge.

    At our church, we talk the month of July off of Sunday School. I don't really know why, but hey, it's what we do. And, it's not as though we neglect ministry altogether.

    I think that legitimately, things do change with seasons (summer). People are traveling in summer, etc. Workers do get taxed too.

    I would say- don't do nothing, try something different! When I was in SoCal, being at the church on a Wed night in the summer was just awkward and lame. There was no AWANA- it was just a big empty parking lot and JH students. Instead, we just spent the day at the beach. We had hot dogs, smores, music and bible study. It was great.

    Try some hiking or other outdoor activities, family picnics in the park, etc. and preach narrative portions. Narrative/Story is good for outdoors and thus attention spans. (I assume you are doing Systematic Theology on Wed.) A change will make Discovery fresh when it resumes.

    Do something with the students. You can have different skin but still the same soul.
