1. Division over non-essentials
2. Unable to work with the elder/deacon board or church board
3. The lack of ministerial ethics
a. Keep their word
b. Stay with what you say you are going to do
4. Laziness or a poor work ethic
a. 1 Tim. 3:1- a fine work he desires to do
5. Poor home life, marriage, children
a. Be transparent, don’t hide this
6. No attention to key issues
a. The 80/20 principle
b. It is more important to put gas in the plane than to clean out the trash from the cabin
7. A low view of the local church
8. Lack of numerical and spiritual growth
a. There needs to be growth in your church.
b. This reflects abilities and skills
9. Poor people skills- inability to get along with people
a. You are into family in the church
10. Failure to articulate the vision of the church
a. You are of all things a motivator
· This has to do with being a good churchman.
· This implies that we have a good understanding of practical theology
· Take ecclesiology as seriously as any other –ology
May we take heed to our training and honor the Lord and His sheep in our ministries! May our "first term" of ministry be a wisdom filled and long lasting one!
-Pastor Andrew
Thank you Andrew/Montoya. I can still hear his thick spanish accent yelling this at me. :-)
ReplyDeleteI am going to struggle with #6. "No attention to key issues" - So what are the key issues? Here is my list. Please post your own.
1) Personal Holiness (including family life)- 1 Tim 4:16
2) Preaching correct doctrine and theology - 1 Tim 4:16
3) Loving the congregation - having compassion - John 21:15-17
4) Unity of Leadership - but what and when do you do something about that divisive person? - Eph 4:1-3
9) Well run events - couldn't find a verse for this one.