Here are some recommended resources for a practical lifetime study of the book of Proverbs, recommended to our church by Lance Quinn:
The Wisdom of Proverbs, Job & Ecclesiastes: An Introduction to Wisdom Literature by Derek Kidner, (InterVarsity Press, 1985, 175 pages; the section on "Proverbs" is in chapters 2&3, pp. 18-55; and with a comparison and contrast of Proverbs, Job and Ecclesiastes in chapter 8, pp. 116-124; Kidner also has an excellent but much too brief commentary on the book of Proverbs in the Tyndale Old Testament Commentary series, [TOTC] volume 17 reprinted in 2008, 189 pgs.)
How to Read Proverbs by Tremper Longman III, (InterVarsity Press, 2002, 174 pgs.)
Practicing Proverbs: Wise Living for Foolish Times by Richard Mayhue, (Christian Focus Publishers, 2003, 239 pgs.)
Opening Up Proverbs by Jim Newheiser, (Day One Publications, 2008, 189 pgs.)
Handbook on the Wisdom Books and Psalms by Daniel J. Estes, (Baker, 2005, 448 pgs.; with the section on "Proverbs," pp. 213-269)
Proverbs by John Kitchen, (A Mentor Commentary by Christian Focus Publications, 2006, 790 pgs.)
Lance just completed a verse by verse exposition of Proverbs, which took him over 8 years. I would recommend his One Message Overview of Proverbs which can be found at
I found it extremely helpful. Here are 6 summaries of the book of Proverbs, taken from that message:
1. Hear, My Son: Listening to Lady Wisdom versus Madam Folly (Proverbs 1-9)
2. Short Sayings for a Long Life (Proverbs 10:1-22:16)
3. Admonitions and Warnings for the Purpose of Godliness (Proverbs 22:17-24:34)
4. Comparisons and Contrasts between the Righteous and the Unrighteous (Proverbs 25:1-29:27)
5. Agur's Approach to Knowing God and the World (Proverbs 30)
6. King Lemuel's Advice for Leadership and Ladies (Proverbs 31)
In Christ Alone,
This could not be more timely George! I am teaching the youth and calling it "Wednesday night Wisdom". Thanks for the resources. When applicable we should get our senior pastors to chime in on our conversation. That would be fun considering who those men are!
ReplyDeleteThanks for posting George. Welcome to the blog!
ReplyDeleteAlso, a must see link from Sovereign Grace and C.J. Mahaney. He has some practical charts and downloads that will be helpful to you.
Also, let me gives props our brother witty Will for these helpful little diddy's on Proverbs:
ReplyDeleteProverbs are “Memorable sayings teaching General truths”
“They are Principles not Promises, They are Guidelines not Guarantees.”
Solid gold brother Will.
Great resources George!!!!!
ReplyDeleteI'm not trying to be too controversial, but hey, that's just me :)
I'd like to "push-back" just a little on the Proverbial Hermeneutic.
If we say Proverbs are general "truths" and "guidelines," are we saying that at times they do not deem truthful. I'm not fully sold on that type of hermeneutic for this reason:
"The Fear of the Lord is the Beginning of Wisdom" is not a general truth and is a gurantee.
"Train a Child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it." Too many times I hear parents quote this in sadness saying they have failed as parents b/c their child has abandoned the faith. Well, I'm not too sure that verse promises anything of salvation, but may give reason for departing from "morals." If a son/daughter has a child out of wedlock, that does not necessarily mean they have not departed from their morals per se, but have given into sin?
However, is Proverbs 31's description of a wife, descriptive or prescriptive? The "guideline" hermeneutic may deem possible there.
What do you guys think??????? I'm not fully convinced it is a ruberic to view Proverbial sayings in scripture, but can be used at times. Other proverbs assume different hermeneutical principles.