Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Do you like the taste of Elephant?

I am a fan of preachers who's names that start with Mac. I am edified by more than one preacher and can handle some variety. But, there is something about the direction of the Elephant Room that leaves a bad taste in my mouth. It looks like a cross between the emergent church, "Lets have a conversation" and the UFC. What do you guys think?

The Elephant Room: Round 2 from Harvest Bible Chapel on Vimeo.


  1. I've been following the discussions at TeamPyro about how T.D. Blakes, a non-Trinitarian, has been invited to the next Elephant Room. Giving such a bright spotlight to someone who doesn't uphold a core tenant of the church, the Word and the Gospel, isn't the right way to go. If the goal is to "discuss" and converse about this theology, this isn't the forum. The Elephant Room was supposed to provide a forum for reformed or Gospel Coalition type members to discuss their doctrine. Not all doctrine should be considered equal or even worthy of further discussion. Debating the Trinity is so 3rd century.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. To sum up one of Phil Johnson's comments on ER, WHAT IS THE POINT?
    Nothing was truly accomplished last year, other than claiming that the ends justify the means.
    People were saved so how can you criticize.
    So it must follow that;
    Israel was blessed so how could Balaam have been wrong?
    I have no expectations that anything will happen this time either.
    Though it is possible that the participants will feel like they are part of something powerful just like those "Occupying Wall St."

  4. At first I thought this may have some great potential. Somewhat conservative leaders meeting with full on pragmatist, seeker driven style pastors to discuss the huge elephants in the room. But it went up like a huge firework only to have no bang, fizzle of spark. Only a hollow cannon noise screaming through the air (error). The elephant in show #1 was bad (if not heretical) methodology. But instead of moving the men in error toward center, the whole show ended with more of a sense that these are just simple disagreements and we can all move on from here. To validate this claim we saw both James Macdonald preaching on (Sun Stand Still man himself) Steve Furdicks church. To top it off he than invited Steven Furdick to preach at Harvest. If this is not an endorsement I don't know what is. It appears the elephant became not such a big deal as a result of that conference.

    Then cannon #2 came whistling in when Mr Modalist himself came shooting across the stage. Just a couple of comments... James MacDonald has as of late seemed to get defensive about all the push back and call those who are troubled by this kumbaya fest "Knit Pickers". He than said TD is not a modalist as far as he is concerned. Although many well-known folks have confronted this man to no avail. So how after only a few months James concludes they are wrong is odd. Only outcome I can see at this point....

    1) TD is going to renounce his modalisim. If that is the case than TD and James are aware of those who follow this form of heresy. They know they are not saved and denying the trinity. If this is the case than why wait?? Let folks know now and not just on a 24.99 DVD that will come out later.

    2) He will not deny his oneness roots. Which is troubling for so many reasons. One, he can squirm around this issue and agree on a number of things (just not come out and repent of the clear teaching he use to follow). So it will appear like a trinitarian affirmation. I am more interested in what he will recant of then what he affirms. But in addition to that I am concerned that the topics just came out and modalisim is not on the list. Round table two may have some of that but why round 2? Why in the world would you want to know about race differences and how to bridge the gap between races from someone who denies the trinity?

    Unless of course all of those in the past who tried to confront TD Jakes were simply mistaken. When he would not publicly deny the modalist heresy when given the chance. I guess we will see....

    P.S. I still respect James MacDonald. I hold him in high regard. His is firm in his stance on the gospel and is a solid preacher. Just filtering him a bit more carefully now.
