Monday, June 13, 2011

Congregational Government is From Satan

Below is James MacDonald's take on church government:

I think a better way to say it would be Congregational Government can be a Tool of Satan, but that title probably wouldn't sell as many books. :-)

Our church is probably about 30% congregational rule, but for the most part the elders lead. One of our deacons sent this to all the elders and deacons. Wow - I thought, I suppose that is better than coming from me.

What are your thoughts?

1 comment:

  1. I liked a few of things MacDonald had to say.

    One of the reasons against congregationalism that he didn't bring out, though more of a praxis than a biblical statement, is you will have "non-belivers" making decisions for the church. Evaluate all of your members and ask if some have "slipt" by the church membership process who demonstrate signs of un-repentance, lack of faith, etc. Consequently, those "members" on the role will come to the church when a big decision is being made and cast their vote.

    Paul, it was a great thing one of your deacons sent it rather than you :).

    The difficulty with church government is, and I am assuming all of us would hold to a plurality of Elders as the form of government, there is a great question to be asked. If we "sign on" to a church with a Church government we don't prefer nor is biblical, how soon is it changed? Should we change it? How should it be changed?

    Too many people import American ideology into their Christian doctrine and thinking. The moment you take away their right "to vote" the moment you cease being an American! Consequently, it is an American right to vote, and that is imported all too often in the church.

